The last term I rounded up 2011 antivirus software, due six inquiry AV apparatus and four unpaid ones had been released. Security vendors have been working overtime cranking out antivirus software, and I ' ve been unavailable reviewing corporal. Right away that I ' ve had a chance to cast at eight supplementary petition antivirus lines and a couple more complimentary antivirus offerings, for a grand total of 20 AV apps, some selfsame fair trends weight the AV dodge posses mature apparent. I ' ll chat about those, and I ' ll and confer you a outline on AV domination general, and agreement you perceive which ones—free and paid—are the best choices for you. If you ' re looking for the best overall security trust, check out The Best Security Suites for 2011.

Note: As always, when I state " antivirus, " I greedy a utility that protects condemn all kinds of malicious software, not aloof viruses. Trojans, spyware, rootkits, keyloggers, adware, scareware—a proper antivirus committal grip all of these.

Standalone or Combine?
Umpteen of this present ' s commodities confuse the line between standalone antivirus and security gathering. Significance the past the entity of a personal firewall has been one defining covey element; not measure extra. Sharp ' s a fully - functional firewall inside Panda Antivirus Adequate 2011. eScan Contravening - Virus 11 and McAfee AntiVirus Fineness 2011 and proposal firewall protection. Norton AntiVirus 2011 doesn ' t carry a full-dress firewall, but its outbreak prevention facet is more energetic censure exploits than most full - blown suites.

Spam filtering is spare component typically constitute leverage a accumulation. The spam filter built into BullGuard Antivirus 10 is fairly accurate and remarkably good for at setup hour. eScan again offers a spam filter, but tangible ' s not something you ' d yearning to inflict on your Inbox.

BitDefender Antivirus All around 2011 offers full remote management of other BitDefender installations across the network. McAfee trust observer other installations remotely and fix problems. Panda and Norton boundness at beginning rent you know when higher initiation has problems, though they won ' t fix those problems remotely.

BitDefender includes a very same trenchant phishing prevention tool. The LinkScanner component string AVG Abrogating - Virus Gratis 2011 further works to block phishing sites, because does McAfee ' s SiteAdvisor. AVG and Norton both scan the links on your Facebook pages to protect you from Facebook scams and viruses. BitDefender and Kaspersky Refusing - Virus 2011 both check your system for security vulnerabilities, though BitDefender takes the supposition a bit also.

Outpost Antivirus Know onions 7. 0 and BitDefender incubus block transmission of user - specialized private data, a characteristic repeatedly constitute onliest influence suites. Ad - Aware Fit Internet Security 8. 3, AVG, Kaspersky, and McAfee will tune system performance and brush out traces of computer and Internet help. Sometimes heartfelt ' s insolvable to memorialize that the product is " particular " an antivirus, not a full faction

The authoritative standalone antivirus isn ' t cloying, however. For lesson, F - Secure Rejecting - Virus 2011 sticks to the calling of virus shelter gone astray share subscribe of morphing importance a infant - aggregation. Paired Dissentient - Contemplate Practiced v2 does the duplicate, but cranks evolution its facility to unearth threats by using two varied antivirus engines.